No lootboxes, no paid DLCs, no crypto

Darkhunter Studios is a game development studio focused on bringing new ideas to the market and creating quality games.

We have developed Art is dead, check it out!

You can talk to us, make suggestions and follow all the progress made in our games by joining the official discord server

More about us

Our team is composed of young and passionate developers who grew up playing videogames. We want to make a living out of it, but without the greedy features that have been seen on the market in recent years.

This studio believes firmly that videogames are a form of artistic expression, the same way books or movies are. And as every artistic product, it deserves some respect.

We also believe some new methods to make income from games (like DLCs) are okay and understandable, but that doesn't mean we will apply those methods to our games.

Our mission is to bring back that special essence games once had with the help of newer technologies to improve quality.